St Pauls Church
St Pauls Church Lindale
Team Rector
Rev Canon Nick Ash 015395 32757
Church Warden
Mrs B Adams 015395 32529
Church Warden
Mrs G Brierley 015395 32168
Church Diary
CAMEO first Monday
of the month
in the Village Hall


How can you get involved?


Attend Sunday Services 9.30am
Read the Lesson, Lead the Intercessions
Prepare the Coffee

Attend Special Services, Christmas
Easter Weddings Baptisms Funerals
CAMEO – first Monday of the month 3.15pm in the Village Hall

Assist with Childrens Clubs
Attend Prayer Group

Sponsor Weekly Service Sheet £8
Sponsor Monthly Newsletter £10
Deliver Newsletters

Support Fund Raising
Summer Fairs Christmas Fairs
Coffee Mornings

Join one of the Cleaning Teams
(approx one hour per month)
Assist with Churchyard Maintenance
Arrange Church Flowers